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1.Zheng G, Zhang C, Zhang G, et al. Evaluation of the Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of CSF Presepsin Levels in Patients with Postneurosurgical Ventriculitis/Meningitis. Infect Drug Resist, 2021,14: 2901-2909

2.Shi Y, Ding Y, Li G, et al. Discovery of Novel Biomarkers for Diagnosing and Predicting the Progression of Multiple Sclerosis Using TMT-Based Quantitative Proteomics. Front Immunol. 2021, 12:700031

3.Hong L, Hongmei W, Leijie X, et al. Serum ceramide concentrations are associated with depression in patients after ischemic stroke-A two-center case-controlled study. Clin Chim Acta. 2021, 518:110-115

4.Chenxi Zhang, Ying Han, Bo Sun, et al. Label‐free serum detection based on Raman spectroscopy for the diagnosis and classification of glioma. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2020, 51(10): p. 1977-1985

5.Xiangrui Meng, Guojun Zhang, Bo Sun, et al. Rapid Detection of mecA and femA Genes by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification in a Microfluidic System for Discrimination of Different Staphylococcal Species and Prediction of Methicillin Resistance. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020. 11: p. 1487

6.Liu S, Zhu Y, Zhang C, et al. The Clinical Significance of Soluble Programmed Cell Death-Ligand 1 (sPD-L1) in Patients With Gliomas. Frontiers in Oncology, 2020, 23, 10: 9

7.Limin Zhang, Xingang Li, Dongzhi Wang, et al. Risk Factors of Recurrent Ischemic Events after Acute Noncardiogenic Ischemic Stroke. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2020. 25(45): 4827-4834

8.Shi Y, Zheng G, Qian L, et al. Longitudinal Analysis of Risk Factors for Clinical Outcomes of Enterobacteriaceae Meningitis/Encephalitis in Post-Neurosurgical Patients: A Comparative Cohort Study During 2014–2019. Infect Drug Resist. 2020;13:2161-2170

9.Zhang L, Lv H, Zhang Q, et al. Association of SLCO1B1 and ABCB1 Genetic Variants with Atorvastatin-induced Myopathy in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. Curr Pharm Des. 2019;25(14):1663-1670. ISSN: 1381-6128

10.Hui Zhao, Miao Ma , Limin Zhang, et al. Diagnosis of central nervous system lymphoma via cerebrospinal fluid cytology: a case report. BMC Neurology, 2019 May 7;19(1):90

11.RuiminMa, GuanghuiZheng, ChunqingShao, et al. Downregulation of miR-196b Promotes Glioma Cell Sensitivity to Temozolomide Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, 48(6), 2018: 719-725

12.Ming Gao, Bin Zhu, Ping Li,Guojun Zhang, Kelin Chen, Hong Lv, Ruimin Ma, Limin Zhang, Yubo Fan, Xixiong Kang*. Influence of the IGFBP3-202A/C Gene Polymorphism on Clinical Features and Surgery Outcome in Acromegalic Patients. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2018, 9:751

13.Ming Gao, Bin Zhu, Zhe Xu, et al. Association between acromegaly and a single nucleotide polymorphism (rs2854744)in the IGFBP3 gene. BMC Medical Genetics.2018, 19(1):182

14.MENG WANG, GUOJUN ZHANG, YAJIE WANG, et al.DHX32 expression is an indicator of poor breast cancer prognosis. ONCOLOGY LETTERS, 2017, 13: 942-948

15.MARUIMIN, KXX*,ZGJ*.High expression of UBE2C is associated with the aggressive progression and poor outcome of malignant glioma. Oncol Lett. 2016, 11(3):2300-2304, 1792-1074.

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3.“传染病新型诊断试剂及配套仪器的研制”, “艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项,国家级,负责人:张国军

4. “基于微流控碟式芯片技术平台的新型传染病分子诊断试剂、配套设备等产品研究开发”,国家级,“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项,负责人:吕虹

5. “便携移动式新型冠状病毒(2019-nCov)检测技术与产品研发“国家重点研发计划项目,负责人:吕虹






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